Setcan Tactical OC Instructor Online RECERTIFICATION Course
Cost: $149.50

Course Profile:

Participants must have completed the 1 Day (10 hour) Tactical OC Aerosol Projector Instructor course

This recertification course takes approximately 1 to 3 hours to complete online. The course was designed for agencies to update, train and certify departmental Instructors in Chemical Aerosol Projectors. This course will review and test the instructor's knowledge in the formulations, spray patterns, levels of contaminations, physical and mental effects of chemical agents, legal and medical issues, product and training liability, deployment methods, and the combination and use of aerosols.

Topics covered in the online recertification course include:

  • Introduction to OC Aerosol Projectors
  • Understanding Oleoresin Capsicum
  • Distance & Delivery Systems
  • Using OC Products Safely & Effectively
  • Subject Care & Decontamination
  • Student Contamination & Decontamination

To register and complete the Setcan Tactical OC Instructor Online Recertification Course:

  1. Print and complete this Registration Form, and fax to 204-586-2049 or email it to [email protected].
  2. You will receive an email with Instructions on how to complete the course, along with your user name and password.
  3. Once you complete the course, a hard copy of your certificate will be emailed to you.